David Bahnsen joins the podcast to discuss his most recent book and everything from the fallacy of the work-life balance movement to why people are policy, properly defining Christian nationalism and post-millennialism, to the connection between growing up a pastor-theologian's kid and managing large sums of other people's money—all through the lens of great theology the gospel!
This episode was recorded before the 2024 election.
You can view the podcast on our YouTube channel here.
Works cited:
Full-Time 2.0: Work and the Meaning of Life (2023) David Bahnsen
Always Ready: Directions for Defending the Faith (1996), Rev. Dr. Greg Bahnsen
Centesimus Annus (1991), Pope John Paul II
The Next American Economy (2023), Samuel Gregg
Salon.com (incorrectly references as Slate) "Republican Mayorkas impeachment staff have theocratic ties" by Johnathan Larsen
https://www.salon.com/2024/03/07/mayorkas-impeachment-staff-have-theocratic-ties_partner/CNN article "The Social Gospel versus Whiteness and Nationalism" - https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/13/us/social-gospel-movement-uaw-strike-blake-cec/index.html
Recorded October 28, 2024
"B-O-O-G-A-L-O-O" (2010) by the Diplomats of Solid Sound is used by license. Scheduling by Josie Risinger
Post-production by Andrew Brinkmann
(c) 2025, Faithful Presence, all rights reserved
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